Friday, September 09, 2005

The leaders debate

The leaders debate. Last night. State television.

I just loved helen’s eye liner….the blue Revlon 7.2 eyeliner…stunning.… My 4 year old daughter really works some magic with the eye liner, but Helen last night took it to a new level. What eye liner did for marilyn manson’s career has obviously been analysed by the election wizards in the labour camp and I suggest it might be a coup that surpasses george speight’s attempt. I mean ….. I thought it really worked. Can I say on public radio that helen looked hot. she looked good – hot red jacket and all…

And I mean that with all the respect that can be respected for the prime minister of aotearoa…
I mean, they cant give her voice liner obviously… she still had that menacing tone of I eat rotweillers for breakfast, if she was a spice girl than she’d be scary spice for sure, and when she clears her throat you kind of wince….. and I was really surprised that any of the politicians last night had the testicles to try and talk over her…. That takes real courage. …but the eyes… she was glam in a reserved gary glitter style that said I am hip, here I stand and I can do no other …I have my well manicured electoral finger on the pulse..

And the hair??? I think it was a good hair night quite frankly. It was suave and a little saucy. Not the standard watties tomato sauce though…. The hair delivered…. It had panache and bounce and a silky sheen that combined with that fabulous eye liner made the blessed voice of the clarkmeister somehow golden. Hair, eyeliner and student loans – victory combo!! National party might have the exclusive brethren… but watching Helen last night and the impressive handiwork of the weta workshop signatured all over her…… when is the media going to start berating the labour campaign for that????

And we needn’t have worried that Winston will hold the balance of power this election. His performance last night was a tour de force in how to stroke your ego so vigourously that it became in fact masturbation. Censorship was needed. Winston’s self love was so embarrassing, his self importance so domineering, his self inflicted pompous rhetoric so grandiose he talked up him self out of his seat, and the whole new Zealand party out of the whole freakin lounge suite. Winston is out of the house as fast as a new Orleans citizen can say im not black or hispanic and I have my own transport thank you very much in the wake of hurricane Katrina. He’s gone. Winston is out of there…There is now only standing room only in the new Zealand party.

Rodney hide should exercise his individual personal freedom and run and hide. It’s the final act. In fact he was so rancid, so Rodney hide that he was Rodney hid!

Peter dunne – captain sensible. Said sensible things. Jeanette fitzsimmons – marijuana (suck) isn’t (suck) a (suck) crime
(suck) issue… nice tinnies around her neck.

Jimmy anderton - loved that story about the haka how race relations is all about how all new Zealanders can do the haka. If only eva rickard had known that story she wouldn’t have had to strap herself to the raglan golf course. Such a waste. Jimmy is Captain unsensible.

Pita sharples. Casual dresser.

The good doctor Brash. Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts etc etc etc etc Brash hasn’t yet made love to the camera.

I was concerned however that Hamilton, the obvious answer to solving auckland’s congestion issue wasn’t addressed. Nor was the serious issue of a youth justice borstal for 8 young crims in hillcrest thrown about. I would have liked to have heard rodney’s view on these issues…. Sadly, we probably never will…

You’ve been listening to doctor honest dave on the generator…


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